"They don't need to know... who I am..." - Darkhat Markle

12:32 PM (3/15/22): "Upon seeing the above photo, my first impression was that this was an evil clone... or sister... of the actual wife, of Prince Harry (Meghan Markle)... but in terms of relativity, it's more about the 'dark hat'... and the facial expression..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I suppose this female appeared in the crowds of a random city (Lagos, for instance), and people were curious... about who she was..." - Michael Izuchukwu



2:18 PM (3/5/23):
"Not sure what to say, but you must be concerned..." - Meghan Markle (to random dude, who believes she saw something... that she wasn't supposed, to see)

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry, 5 minutes after the above photo was snapped (in front of a crowd, containing paparazzi)... In such, 'the' random dude is asking Meghan, 'what are you doing'... because he is concerned... about the look, she is giving)

3:06 PM (3/5/23):
"Perhaps the random dude thinks he is going to be blackmailed, because he was not discrete... about something..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:51 AM (9/12/23):

(News advertisement snapshot, from 10:46 AM... on 9/12/23)
(News advertisement snapshot, from 10:48 AM... on 9/12/23)

2:14 PM (9/16/23):
At first, I did a Google search... thinking the name was spelled 'Amiri Ngozi Lulu'... If this had been the case, the theoretical last name ('Lulu')... would seem like a 'spy name'...
NOTE #1:
The theoretical first name of 'Amiri,' resembles 'Amini'...
NOTE #2:
1:04-1:28 is of interest, regarding the last 8 seconds (1:20-1:28)
" is not intellectual in Iran; art, is existential..." - Golshifteh Farahani
(perhaps the presumption behind this line of thinking, is that Jesus Christ... was very artistic, in order... to have found His way, to heaven. This is in the context, of there not having been... modern schools of thought, in the time... of Jesus... and the fact, that He had been a carpenter... and a professor, of wisdom/truth)
2:54 PM (9/16/23):
Arguably, Golshifteh is a 'Gal Gadot' doppelganger...
